Financial Information Exchange (FIX) – What is it and how does it work?

The Financial Information eXchange protocol was developed by industry to facilitate electronic communication between market participants. Initially developed by FIX in 1992, it has become the de facto standard messaging for global financial markets. It provides standardized messaging to allow buy-side companies, sell-side companies, and trading platforms, to efficiently communicate trades, orders, and other financial data. FIX today is used throughout the entire trade cycle, including pre-trades, trades, and post trade activities. The FIX Trading Community is made up of a variety of market participants including brokers, investment managers and exchanges.

Key point Summary

  • Definition
  • Origins of the FIX Protocol
  • How FIX Protocol Works
  • The FIX Trading Community
  • FIX the Post-Trade Space
  • Emerging Trends within the FIX Trading Community

Definition and Purpose

Financial Information eXchange protocol (FIX) is a standard that is non-proprietary and free. It’s widely used by trading platforms and regulators in order to exchange trade information on the global financial market. FIX’s primary goal is to enable the exchange of real-time securities transaction data between participants in the global financial markets. FIX standardizes the format of messages related to trades, allowing all participants in a transaction to interpret the information and act on it consistently. This reduces the risk of mistakes and enhances overall market efficiency.

Origins and Evolution of the FIX Protocol

FIX began as a protocol for messaging between equity traders of Fidelity and Salomon Brothers. Its goal was to standardize order submittals, and trade execution. The protocol has evolved over the years to include a variety of asset classes including Fixed Income Foreign Exchange Derivatives and more. FIX is a open-standard. This means that anyone can use the protocol. Its adoption has also led to lower costs, and greater transparency in financial transactions.

As the financial sector evolves, FIX adapts to new trading requirements. FIX version has expanded its capabilities, for example, to include post-trade activities such as settlement.

The FIX Protocol: How Does it Work?

The FIX protocol, at its core is an electronic messaging system designed to support communication among market participants who are involved in trading financial products. It works as follows:

FIX ensures the integrity of data, making it a good choice for financial transactions.

1. Message Types

FIX messages consist of key business messages which transmit essential trade information, such as orders and cancellations. The messages follow a standard format to ensure they can be understood by all trading platforms. Each message type is intended to help facilitate various trading functions. Some of the most common FIX messages include:

  • New Order Submissions
  • Trade execution reports
  • Order cancellation requests
  • Market data requests

FIX messages can be used for multiple asset classes including equities and commodities. By standardizing communication, they reduce the chance of human error.

2. Session Layers and Application Layers

The FIX Protocol operates on two distinct levels:

  • Session layer: Manages the FIX connections between two parties. Ensures that messages are delivered correctly and without duplicates. The FIX sessions are established between parties in order to provide secure and reliable communication. They manage message sequencing, reconnection and retransmission.
  • Application layer: The content of messages exchanged is defined by this layer. This could include messages related to trade, such as orders, modifications, cancellations, and executions.

3. Point to Point Communication

The FIX System is based upon point to point communication, usually between a Broker-Dealer and a Client or between a Trading Platform and a Market Participant. Unlike other communication methods, such as phone calls or email, FIX allows for a real-time exchange.

This automation reduces the latency of communication, increasing its efficiency.

4. Tags and Data Fields

FIX messages are composed of fields, also known as tags. Each tag represents specific information about a trade such as the type of instrument traded, the quantity ordered, or the price. The FIX standard defines these tags, ensuring that the data is interpreted the same by all parties. This predefined structure allows for data standardization.

5. Open Standard

FIX has the advantage of being a nonproprietary standard, which means it’s open to all market players. It helps remove barriers to entry, for buying-side firms selling-side companies brokers-dealers and other Trading Platforms. This allows for seamless data exchange and communication. The FIX Trading Community collaborates on the continuous evolution of the protocol to ensure that it meets the requirements of modern financial markets. This open standard promotes interoperability between different platforms and systems.

6. Order Routing and Execution

FIX is a vital tool for order routing and execution. It allows market participants to send trade orders, quotes and other financial data between parties. The protocol allows for the accurate and efficient transmission of order data, which reduces the risk of delays and errors in order routing. FIX supports algorithmic trading by allowing traders send orders to a broker’s system, and to receive updates on the status of their order. This real-time communications ensures that all orders are executed quickly and accurately.

7. Market Data Distribution

FIX allows market participants to exchange market data such as quotes, trade volumes and price. These data are crucial to traders as they can make informed decisions on when and how to invest. FIX standardizes market data formats, which makes it easier for traders and investors to understand and use the information. The protocol allows for the transmission of data in real-time, which allows traders to react quickly to market changes. FIX provides traders with accurate and timely market data that helps them optimize their trading strategy and improve overall performance.

The FIX Protocol has many benefits

Financial institutions have adopted the FIX protocol because of its advantages.

  1. Lower Costs By allowing market participants to communicate in a standard way, FIX reduces the operational and transactional cost associated with executing transactions. This is especially beneficial for global firms who operate in multiple asset classes and regions.
  2. Transparency FIX improves transparency by providing a clear and structured communications between market participants. Traders and brokers can track data on trades easily, such as order statuses, execution reports and pricing, which improves the integrity of the market.
  3. Speed and Efficiency The automated nature FIX messaging increases trade execution speed, and reduces operating costs. The protocol’s real time electronic communication allows traders to react more quickly to changes in the market, resulting in better trading outcomes.
  4. Market liquidity By enabling seamless communications between buyers and vendors, FIX increases market liquidty. Market participants can trade more efficiently whether it is for equity trading or fixed-income trading.
  5. Compatible with Asset Classes FIX is versatile, and can be used for a variety of asset classes. This compatibility allows participants to trade in equities and derivatives, municipal bond, foreign exchange, using the same standard format.
  6. Risk mitigation FIX updates trade data in real time, reducing counterparty risks while minimizing the errors that can occur when using manual processes. All parties to a trade benefit from better risk management.
  7. Regulatory compliance The FIX Protocol supports regulatory compliance. It ensures that all communications related to trade adhere to industry standards, regulations and rules. This makes it easier for companies to meet their obligations.

The FIX Trading Community

The FIX Trading Community (FTC) is a standards-setting body that is non-profit and industry-driven. Its mission includes addressing business and regulatory concerns affecting multi-asset trading. Over 300 firms are members of the community, including major financial institutions, trading platforms and regulators. The FIX Trading Community develops and maintains FIX in a collaborative manner, ensuring it meets new trading requirements while promoting its adoption within the financial industry. The FIX Trading Community is a key player in the future of electronic trading, promoting collaboration and innovation. It also enhances the efficiency and transparency of the global financial markets.

FIX in Post-Trade Space

FIX has a wide range of applications, including pre-trade and execution activities. However, it is also important in the after-trade area. The protocol was expanded to include features for settlement and reconciliation, which ensures that trades can be processed accurately and efficiently.

After a trade has been executed, the trade data will be sent via a FIX Message to the systems of both the buyer and seller. Both parties can then verify whether the trade was correctly executed and make any adjustments necessary before the settlement of the trade.

The FIX Trading Community: Emerging Trends

As new market developments and regulations are introduced, the FIX protocol is continually evolving. Recent developments include:

  1. Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Financial companies are increasingly integrating artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) in their trading systems. FIX adapts to these technologies, providing the infrastructure required for real-time decision-making and data processing in complex trading environments.
  2. Shortened settlement cycles Regulating bodies like the Securities and Exchange Commission push for shorter Settlement cycles on financial markets. FIX plays a major role in this initiative, providing the infrastructure needed to process and settle transactions more quickly. This reduces counterparty risks.
  3. Global Financial Markets Global trading is becoming more interconnected. FIX offers a unified communication framework across borders. It allows for real-time communication between financial institutions located in different parts of the world.
  4. Post Trade Processing The FIX Protocol is expanding to include more aspects of Post Trade Processing including settlement, reconciliation and regulatory reporting. This expansion is designed to improve the efficiency and transparency in back-office operations. It will also allow firms to more easily meet regulatory requirements.


FinchTrade is a specialist in digital assets and investment tools. It provides technology-driven solutions for trading, investing, and custodial services in the cryptocurrency industry. FinchTrade also has developed MarketGuard, a plug and play AML & KYC for Web3 companies.

The conclusion of the article is:

The Financial Information eXchange protocol is transforming the way Financial Industry communicates, and how they execute trades. The open-standard architecture and real-time data processing make it a vital tool for global markets. FIX facilitates seamless communication between the buy-side and the sell-side as well as other market participants. This promotes efficiency, cost savings, and transparency across a variety of financial instruments.

FinchTrade supports the Financial information eXchange protocol. We offer liquidity solutions for OTC Trading which seamlessly integrate into FIX-enabled environments. Our platform allows for real-time data sharing, which helps traders to reduce costs, improve transparency and streamline their trading. FinchTrade offers FIX compliant solutions that allow market participants to benefit from increased execution speed and accuracy, while maintaining compliance with industry standards and operational efficiency.

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